Professional Flat Cleaning Services

As a London based cleaning agency, we have the expertise and resources to deliver you with a top class, value for money flat cleaning service. We cover different parts of Greater London and always willing to provide our clients with a thoroughly satisfactory service. Our cleaning professionals have undergone thorough training and are properly background checked. We provide our experts with all the necessary advanced tools and cleaning solutions to take care of the cleaning needs of our clients. We specialise in flat cleaning and also offer end of tenancy cleaning and after builder’s cleaning services. Call us any day and we will be happy to assist you.

Domestic Cleaning
Regular Cleaning£60
Weekly Cleaning£60
Monthly Cleaning£60
One Off Cleaning£60

Choose Our Reliable Service

Cleaning your house can be so easy if you choose to hire one of our professional maids. Vacuuming, dusting, ironing, are some of the procedures required for great flat cleaning service. Our maids work with flexible schedule every day on your convenience. They will use quality cleaning product so your house will be as neat as a new pin. You can choose between weekly or fortnightly flat cleaning service. We operate in the area of London, and also in all other parts of Greater London. Our operators are waiting for your call round the clock.

What our clients say about us?

I have never seen my carpets so bright and shiny and I definitely will take advantage of this carpet cleaning again – the results are fantastic.


Never before had I experienced such fantastic carpet cleaning and I am glad and I am very content with the choice of cleaning company. Thank you for the impeccable service


Having sparkling clean carpets is not already just a dream. Your company has done great job with this carpet cleaning and I am glad with final results.
